
在凸集R上且具有连续二阶导数的函数,则在R上为凸函数的充分必要条件是海塞矩阵G(X)在R上处处( )。

A. 正定
B. 半正定
C. 负定
D. 半负定


拉格朗日乘子法是求解等式约束优化问题的一种经典方法,它是一种( )

A. 降维法
B. 消元法
C. 数学规划法
D. 升维法

二维目标函数的无约束极小点就是( )。

A. 等值线族的一个共同中心
B. 梯度为0的点
C. 全局最优解
D. 海塞矩阵正定的点

The personal satisfaction people feel when they have done a job well is a(n) ________ reward.

A. cognitive
B. extrinsic
C. physiological
D. intrinsic

The Hawthorne studies found that employees in the experimental group

A. performed much better under bright lighting than they did when lighting was dim.
B. were more productive than other employees regardless of the level of lighting.
C. were more creative when working individually than they were when working in teams.
D. performed poorly because they were distracted by all of the attention they received.
