绿茶制作过程中,用高温钝化酶的活性使之不发酵的过程叫In the manufacturing of green tea, the process of non-fermentation by the activity of high-temperature passivating enzymes is called
A. 采青picking
B. 杀青fixation
C. 揉捻rolling
D. 干燥drying
我国历史最悠久的是The one with the longest history in our country is
A. 黄茶Yellow tea
B. 红茶Black tea
C. 绿茶Green tea
D. 白茶White tea
明前茶“金贵”的原因包含The reason why the tea beforeTomb-Sweeping Day includes
A. 产量有限limited production
B. 没有虫害,生态No pests, green
C. 内含物质丰厚It contains a lot of materials
D. 氨基酸含量高,口感鲜甜High content of amino acid, with fresh and sweet taste
以下函数用fjacobi.m文件名存盘function X=fjacobi(A,b,X0)D=diag(diag(A));% tril(A)求矩阵的左下三角,tril(A,-1)就不包括主对角线。L=-tril(A,-1);U=-triu(A,1);B=【1】;F=D\b;X=B*X0+F;n=1;m=30;while norm(X-X0)>=1e-5 && n<=mX0=【2】;X=【3】;n=n+1;end在命令窗口输入a,b,x0,调用fjacobi函数得到结果>> a=[10 -2 -1;-2 10 -1;-1 -2 5];>> b=[3;15;10];>> x0=[0 0 0]';>> x=【4】x =1.00002.00003.0000
A. 情绪低落
B. 兴趣缺乏
C. 乐趣丧失
D. 自责自罪
E. 心境低落