
Thorndike said that when satisfactory results are obtained there is a tendencyretain what has been learned. He called this tendency the

A. law of effect
B. principle of reinforcement
C. principle of reward
D. law of positive feedback


Operant behavior is characterized by

A. actions that have no meaning
B. its inability to be affected by reinforcement
C. its conscious nature
D. actions that have consequences

What principle is associated with the phrase greater resistance to extinction?

A. The law of effect
B. The total reinforcement effect
C. The partial reinforcement effect
D. The pleasure-pain effect

Vicarious reinforcement is characterized by

A. primary gratification
B. imagined gratification
C. extinction
D. the discriminative stimulus

What did Köhler define as the sudden reorganization of a perceptual field?

A. Operant conditioning
B. Classical conditioning
C. Insight
D. Extinction
