



Germany differs

(1)该宇航嵌入式系统由数据处理机、信号处理机以及数据采集模块组成。信号处理机主要通过数据采集模块将大量不同时间周期的外部数据采集进来,进行预处理(如 FFT变换)后提交给数据处理机;数据处理机根据功能要求完成各种计算处理工作,并将结果输出。为了达到数据处理机和信号处理机的标准化,这两类处理机均采用同种处理机的体系结构(如PowerPC7410)。整个系统工作的最大周期为1s,最小周期为5ms。数据处理机上任务分布如下表所示。
(2)一周后,王工和李工提交了各自的实施方案,其共同之处在于两者均提出采用操作系统及相应的软件开发环境。但是,王工和李工在选择什么样的操作系统及开发环境方面出现了较大的分歧。王工的实施方案提出,为了满足本项目的技术要求,并有利于本所软件的长期发展,应选用具有硬实时处理能力的嵌入式实时操作系统及开发环境 (例如VxWorks等):而李工的实施方案指出,操作系统主要完成对计算机资源的管理与分配工作,考虑到人们对操作系统及软件开发工具的熟悉程度,本项目应选用具有大众化的、软件开发人员容易上手的嵌入式操作系统(例如WindowsCE、Linux等)。

If policymakers hope to make faster progress in
improving economic performance, reducing poverty, and slowing 【M1】_________
population growth, they will have to go much farther in 【M2】_________
their efforts to involve women in economic development.
Women really contribute more in economic terms than is 【M3】_________
usually recognized. They account for over half the food
produced in developing world, even more in Africa; they 【M4】_________
constitute one fourth of the developing world's industrial labor
force; they carry the main responsibility for childcare and
household chores; they head one fourth and more of the families 【M5】_________
in many developing nations; and they usually fetch most of
the household's water and fuelwood.
Yet their contribution goes drastically underestimated,
partly because women's job often "does not count," and. partly 【M6】_________
because much of it is home-based. Unpriced, it is hard to value,
and being often immediately consumed, it quickly ceases to be
visible. Studies in Nepal and the Philippines suggest that when
the production of rural women is valued properly, in average 【M7】_________
they actually contribute about one half the family's income. 【M8】_________
Women could contribute far more to their own welfare and
to the economy if their opportunities to do were not so confined. 【M9】_________
The poor, male or female, suffer from limited access to
education and health care, information and technology, credit
and resources, even markets. But women also face additional
gender-related difficulties rooted in tradition—sometimes
codified into law and policy—and biology (the demands of
multiple pregnancies and the need to care for children). While
men normally go into the "outside" world, women often
lack in not only the chance to move "outside," but the resources 【M10】_________
to function at full effectiveness "inside"—at home.
