
在VB 6.0中使用Adodc数据控件可以很方便地实现对数据库数据的插入、删除和修改操作。现假设用Adodc

A. 执行Adodc 1.Delete方法
B. 执行Adodc 1 .ReCOrdset.Delete方法
C. 先执行Adodc1.Delete方法,然后再执行Adodcl.Update方法
D. 先执行Adodc 1 .Recordset.Delete方法,然后再执行Adodc 1.Recordset.Update方法


在SQL Server 2000中,有学生表(学号,姓名,年龄,所在系),学号是主码。在这个表上建有视图V1,V1视图的定义语句为: CREATE VIEW V1 AS SELECT姓名,年龄,所在系FROM学生表 WHERE年龄>=(SELECT AVG(年龄)FROM学生表) 有下列操作语句: Ⅰ.UPDATE V1 SET年龄=年龄+1 Ⅱ.SELECT*FROM V1 WHERE年龄>20 Ⅲ.DELETE FROM V1 WHERE年龄>20 Ⅳ.INSERT INTO V1 VALUES(,张三,20,‘计算机系’) 以上语句能正确执行的是

A. 仅Ⅰ和Ⅱ
B. 仅Ⅱ
C. 仅Ⅱ和Ⅳ
D. 仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ

What is the author's attitude toward the tightening immigration rule?

A. Supportive.
B. Impartial.
C. Disapproving.
D. Objective.

According to the 4th paragraph, how long can one stay aboard?

A. Not more than six weeks in a year.
B. Three months every year.
C. Not more than 90 days one time.
D. Over six months totally in four years.

How can American restaurant chains accelerate their business?

A. To improve the quality of their products and services.
B. To raise their share prices with the help of some hedge funds.
C. To invest more money in advertising especially to children.
D. To expand their business scope overseas.
