Does happiness matter? People react to this question in surprisingly different ways. Some regard happiness as trivial; others see happiness as 1 important. To explore this mystery, we are to 2 looking at what happiness actually means.Happiness relates to how we feel, not just a passing 3 . We are emotionally beings and experience a wide 4 of feelings on a daily basis. Negative emotions help us to 5 danger or defend ourselves 6 positive emotions help us to build our capacity to cope when things go wrong.Trying to live a happy life is not 7 denying negative emotions or pretending to feel joyful all the time. We all encounter 8 and it’s completely natural for us to feel anger, sadness or frustration. To suggest 9 would be to deny part of the human condition. Happiness 10 being able to make the most of the good times in order to experience the best possible life overall.