

A. Chinese cooks use a wide variety of meats, poultry, and fish. Roasted and barbecued meatsare very famous at restaurants and butcher’s shops, because most private Chinese kitchens donot have cookers.
B. Canton cookers use a wide variety of meats, poultry, and fish. Roasted and barbecued meatsare very popular at restaurants and butcher’s shops, because most private Chinese kitchens donot have cooks.
Cantonese cooks use a wide variety of meats, poultry, and fish. Roasted and barbecued meatsare very popular at restaurants and butcher’s shops, because most private Chinese kitchens donot have ovens.



A. Staff meetings are vital ways of maintain good communication, but it is important to findthe right balance between good communicate and a produce use of working time.
B. Staff meetings are vital ways of maintaining good communication, but it is important to findthe right balance between good communication and a productive use of working time.
C. Staff meetings is vital ways of maintain good communicate, but it is importantly to findthe right balance between good communication and a production use of working time.


A. Formal meetings with several participants have an agenda.
B. Informal meetings with several participants have an agenda.
C. Formal meetings with several participate have a agenda.

Since China has a large population, the popularization of private cars will only bring serioussocial problems.

A. 自从中国人口变多以来,私家车的数量只是一个不太严重的社会问题
B. 由于中国人口众多,私家车的数量只会带来社会问题。
C. 由于中国人口众多,所以私家车的普及只会带来严重的社会问题。

It was not until I saw him that I feel safe.

A. 不是因为我见到他我才感到安全。
B. 我看不到他时才感到安全。
C. 我见到他时才感到安全。
