If the following Java statements are executed, what will be displayed?如果执行以下Java语句,以下哪个内容将会打印出?System.out.println("The top three winners are\n");System.out.print("Jody, the Giant\n");System.out.print("Buffy, the Barbarian");System.out.println("Adelle, the Alligator");
A. The top three winners areJody, the GiantBuffy, the BarbarianAdelle, the Alligator
B. The top three winners areJody, the Giant\nBuffy, the BarbarianAdelle, the Alligator
C. The top three winners are Jody, the Giant\nBuffy, the BarbarianAdelle, and the Albino
D. The top three winners areJody, the GiantBuffy, the BarbarianAdelle, the Alligator