A. It is Gram-negative bacteria. B. It is thin, tightly coiled, helically shaped. C. It can corkscrew and burrow through their hosts’ tissues. D. Its axial fimbria can rotate.
A. Vibrio cholera; B. Helicobacter pylori C. Psuedomonads ; D. Treponema palidum;
A. It is visualized by silver stain method. B. It can grow into colony in bloody agar plate. C. It is thin, tightly coiled, helically shaped. D. It is Gram-negative bacteria.
A. enteritis; B. syphilis; C. urethritis; D. gonorrhea
A. flagellum; B. Adhesins; C. Hyaluronidase; D. endotoxin;
A. Phase I and Phase III B. Phase I and Phase II C. Phase II and phase III D. All three phases
A. Primary phase B. Second phase C. latent phase D. tertiary phase.
A. Primary phase B. Second phase C. Latent phase D. Tertiary phase
A. Heart failure may proceed in tertiary phase. B. A chancre lesion is reddened ulcer filled with TP in Phase II. C. TP can invade the bloodstream and spreadsystemically. D. Widely spread rash lesions are filled with spirochetes and extremely contagious in second phase.
A. Primary phase; B. Second phase C. Latent phase D. Tertiary phase.