Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. To better communicate with a complaining customer, use the following steps to help you handle and solve the problem.Firstly, _________1_________. Write down any names, dates, and major points of the complaint.Secondly, think twice before _______2_______. Express your regret for his or her dissatisfaction and any inconvenience he or she may have experienced, but think before you give any promise—because nothing annoys customers more than a broken promise.Thirdly, check the facts. Make sure _____3______ the customer has given you is correct and work out solutions by yourself.The last step is to offer solutions. When the customer complains, you should always offer him a solution to the problem. If you cannot directly fix the problem, offer him something else to try and keep him satisfied. There are many different types of solutions which could turn a disappointed customer into a happy one, such as, to ______4_______ , refund the money, offer a repair, offer a discount on the next purchase, and______5_______the inconvenience caused.
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