Importance of EthicsTwo 1996 studies indicate the importance of the study of ethics to students in journalism and mass communications programs. A survey of seventy-three media ethics courses at universities across the country revealed a continuing rise in enrollment. ____1____Also, media organizations have told educators that they value students' critical-thinking and problem-solving skills and their sense of ethics.However, reasons for studying ethics go beyond what potential employers desire. Proper behavior is necessary for growth and order. if one objective of an education is to promote the growth and development of the individual, then the place to start is with personal behavior. Developing a sense of what is right and wrong, or appropriate and inappropriate, will promote order, not only in individual lives but also in society at large. ____2____Speed limits are set, proper directions are indicated, and numerous suggestions are made-seat belts, for example—so that automobile travel is reasonably safe and efficient. Without the "rules" of the road, travel becomes chaotic. Order is necessary.____3____It sets rules" for proper human activity and as a result promotes growth, development, and order in individual lives.____4____Not every problem is an ethical one, and even when an ethical problem does present itself, people sometimes make the wrong ethical decision, or they make the right ethical decision and it results in unforeseen negative consequences. Nevertheless, people must realize that without a large number of individuals "doing the right thing, " society would not be doing much at all except fighting for survival and trying to figure out an increasingly chaotic world. Things are bad enough with ethics; think how bad they might be without them.A. Ethical behavior could play the same role.B. Think, for example, of the order required to move traffic on roads and highways.C. Ethics promotes not only a better individual but also a better society.D. The other study noted that 44 percent of the responding schools required students to complete an ethics course.E. In conclusion, ethics seeks to resolve moral problems by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong.F. Ethics, however, is not a magic cure-all
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