A. drink a lot of coffee B. drink tea C. drink plenty of water D. drink plenty of juice
A. a few useful ways B. few useful tips C. a lot of words D. plenty of useful tips
A. 装(扮)成别人 B. 打击别人 C. 介绍别人 D. 证明是别人的
A. 没有伪装自已 B. 装作没注意 C. 视而不见 D. 置若罔闻
A. fall asleep B. go to bed C. pretend to be asleep D. pretend to get up
A. pretend to be interested B. be interested in C. be crazy about D. pretend not to be interested
A. 个人电脑 B. 个人/私人信息 C. 私人住宅 D. 人事经理
A. 她的个人经验 B. 她的个人电脑 C. 她的私人住宅 D. 她的个人信息
A. my personal information B. my personal feelings C. my personal view/opinion D. my personal life
A. my personal life B. my personal information C. my personal exprience D. my personal tutor