
    Here are a list of words and a passage with ten blanks. First, learn the words given. Then, try to put the most proper word for each blank in the passage. One blank one word.rescue depend refuse climbbreaking ignoring digging rollingdelicious differentI was trying to make something of myself, trying to fit into the necktie world, trying to flee the very world of rusted wrenches, muddy work boots, and grease-stained hands that we had been born into. But I kept (1)_______ down on the way.He was not fleeing that place with me. He was in it, then and forever. As the oldest brother, he went to work as a boy, (2)_______ coal out of frozen mud so we could heat the house, raising hogs so there would be something (3)_______ at suppertime instead of just beans and corn bread. He never had a job that did not (4)_______ on sweat and muscle and guts.But instead of laughing at me or even just (5)_______ me as I tried to escape that life, he came to (6)_______ me, every time I broke down on the side of the road, my clip-on tie flapping in the wind.I would hold the flashlight as he worked for hours under a hood or under a car till he finally got me (7)_______ again, got me on my way.Not one time, not once, did he (8)_______ to come when I needed him.He is only three years older than me, my brother Sam, but he helped raise me, helped me (9)_______ up to something that I used to think was better. Now, knowing him better, I know that I didn't go someplace better---only (10)_______.
