
    Task 2If your purchase is not as described or is of low quality, you can return the item to the seller and get afull refund.Conditions for Submitting Refund Requests:1. All products claimed to be not as described must match the items sold by the seller.2. Refund requests should be submitted during the protection period.3, Buyers should provide enough evidence to prove that the products received are not as good asdescribed.4. If you submit a refund request before the order is completed and then mark that order as complete-you cannot submit another refund request for another 15 days, even it has a Longer Protectionguarantee. If, however, the reason for your refund request is “I didn't receive anything" and theresult is “payment released to the seller”, you still can submit refund request within the 15 days if theproduct is not as described.Return Shipping Fee1. If the seller accepts returns, and the buyer also wants to return their purchase, simply follow theseller's sets of Returns on who will pay the return shipping fee. If the seller will pay the fee,communicate with the seller in advance about thc payment method and the logistics service.2. If a seller sets no return necessary or a buyer wants to keep the product, simply agree on the refundamount directly and ignore the return shipping fee.41. According to the Conditions given in the passage, the buyer's refund request must be made __________________

    A) during one year of purchase
    B) before the payment is made
    C) before the order is completed
    D) during the protection period
