
    Role 2. Suppose you are Mr. Wang, the manager of the Sales Department and Mr. Chen, a manager from the People’s Insurance Company of China. You are going to talk to Mr. Johnson and see how to explain the insurance in question to the satisfaction of Mr. Johnson. Try to complete the following dialogue with some of the drills and expressions in part II and III. The Chinese in the brackets are for your reference only.Mr. Johnson: Good morning, Miss Bai, Mr. Wang. I was to come at 9 o’clock, wasn’t I?Mr. Wang: Yes, Mr. Johnson. (我们正盼着您来呢。)Miss Bai: Mr. Johnson. It’s nice to see you again.Mr. Johnson: Me too, Miss Bai.Mr. Wang: (关于你方在三个月前向我们下的第123号订单的事情), how is everything going?Mr. Johnson: You know, the October consignment arrived at Vancouver seriously damaged. The loss through breakage was over 30% of the consignment.Miss Bai: I am so sorry to hear that, Mr. Johnson.Mr. Wang: (关于货物破损造成的损失,你们有没有向保险公司提出索赔?)Mr. Johnson: Yes, we have. But the insurance company refused to admit liability.Miss Bai: So, what’s their point?Mr. Johnson: They said there was no insurance on breakage.Miss Bai: What does it mean?Mr. Johnson: I don’t know.Mr. Wang: You know of course that (我们卖方对这种事只能充当一个调解人的角色。)Mr. Johnson: I see. So I do want to meet the guys from insurance company.Mr. Wang: (我们已经邀请了中国人民保险公司的陈先生来澄清事态。)Miss Bai: He will be here soon.(Mr. Chen enters into the room.)Miss Bai: Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.Mr. Wang: (stands up and introduces Mr. Chen to Mr. Johnson.) Mr. Johnson, (这位是中国人民保险公司的陈先生。)And Mr. Chen, this is Mr. Johnson, one of our old friendsfrom Canada.Mr. Chen: Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. (我来是想解释一下这件与保险有关的不幸事件。)Mr. Johnson: Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Chen. Thank you for coming.Mr. Chen: My pleasure.Mr. Chen: Well, Mr. Johnson, (我想听听您对这个保险事件有什么看法。)Mr. Johnson: We naturally were not satisfied with the reply from your company, Mr. Chen. We presume that the wording of our L/C implies covering the risk of breakage. The loss through breakage was over 30% of the consignment. And you refused to admit liability. Can you explain it to my satisfaction, Mr. Chen?Mr. Wang: Shall we get down to business right now?Mr. Wang: In my opinion, (只要在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负赔偿责任。)Mr. Johnson: Yes, I agree with you.Mr. Chen: (问题是你们说的损失并不在我们承保的责任范围内。)Mr. Johnson: How to say?Mr. Chen:(并不是所有破碎险都属于单独海损。只有由于自然灾害和意外事故所造成的破损才属于单独海损。)Mr. Johnson: Such as …Mr. Chen: Such as stranding and sinking of the carrying vessel, fire, explosion or collision (货船的搁浅和沉没、火灾、爆炸或碰撞). If none of these conditions occur, breakage is often consider as (由于所承保货物内在缺陷或特性所引起的损失,不在承保范围之内。)Mr. Johnson: But In the letter of credit, we request coverage for “all marine risks”. The risk of breakage is covered bymarine insurance, isn’t it?Mr. Chen: (当然。可是按照通常的惯例要在保险单或保险凭证上特别注明‘破碎险’包括在内”。)Mr. Johnson: Mr. Chen, I must say that you have corrected my ideas about the insurance. I see now that this is far more complicated than I ever imagined.Mr. Wang: (应该承认,就保险而论,我也是个外行。还请多多指教。)Miss Bai: What are we to do about it now?Mr. Johnson: To compensate a part of the loss, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 5,000 pieces of similar pottery products C.I.F. Vancouver including the risk of breakage, November shipment?Mr. Wang: OK. We’ll make you an offer tomorrow.
