
    Z: 谢谢您今天来参观,帕克先生。我们很愿意让您对我们的生产情况有一个完整的了解。P: Thank you. That’s why I came. I know the factory is operating at full capacity.Z: 因为这是生产高峰期,我们的工厂现在正在满负荷地运转。P: How long will this peak season usually last?Z: 我们工厂的高峰期一般是从八月到次年二月。P: How many employees do you have in this plant? Are you running in three shifts? Is the production line fully automated?Z: 我们一共有三百名员工。我们确实是实行三班倒的工作时间,但生产线并不是全自动的。P: I see. And, what’s your monthly output?Z: 现在的生产量是每月1000台,但从10月份开始就要达到1200台。P: What kind of quality control do you have?Z: 我们的质量管理相当严格。质量是我们要考虑的首要问题之一。P: Good! What’s your usual percentage of rejects?Z: 正常情况下是4%左右。P: That’s wonderful. Does your factory carry out the entire process of manufacturing?Z: 基本上吧。只有少数几个必需的项目是外包生产的。P: How much do you spend on the development of new products every year?Z: 大约是销售总额的3%到4%。我们相信技术开发是未来的关键。P: Very good. One more question: How long have you been in this line?Z: 快20年了。我们厂是1995年建立的。P: Well, that’s quite a long history.Z: 帕克先生,您问了我这么多问题,我也想问您一个问题。您觉得我们的工厂怎么样?P: Very impressive. I think we may be able to work together in the future.Z: 听您这么说我真是高兴。P: Is this the end of the tour? It was a great help to me. Thank you verymuch for showing me your plant and answering my questions.Z: 这是我的荣幸。如果下次您还想带别人来参观,请随时通知我。P: I will.
