
- 按普惠制的原产地标准的规定,产品必须全部产自受惠国或地区才能享受关税优惠待遇。()
- 阻断多巴胺受体而止吐
- 长期融资是指所融资金能为企业长期占用。所有者权益类的项目主要是长期融资。()
- 安全检查可分为()。
- A.(C, B, D, A, F, E, I, J, G, H)B.(C, B, D, A, E, F, I, G, J, H)C.(B, A, D, E, F, G, I
- 对于项目风险评价中出现重大风险的安全技术措施之一是()
- 追问病史,患者近半年常在餐后1小时出现反酸烧心,卧位时加重,应加哪些药物治疗
- 其药物治疗应选用
- 为确诊应选何种检查
- 从投资者的角度来看,债券的成本可以看作是使投资者预期未来现金流量(利息和本金收入)的现值与目前债券的市场价格相等的一个折现率。()
- 属于足少阳胆经的腧穴是:
- 咳嗽取尺泽属:
- 若患者不配合治疗,一周后出现呕血,黑粪次数增多,粪质稀薄,并出现头昏、心悸、乏力等症状,提示其出血量已超过
- 属于肾经的腧穴是:
- 因车祸送入急诊室,血压60/30mmHg,紧急情况下应立即输入什么以增加血容量?
- 会计主体的自制原始凭证只在内部使用,与外单位不存在经济利益关系。()
- The "underconneetivity theory" attributes autism to ______.
- 治疗脾胃虚弱兼夹食滞之泄泻,宜首选
- 症见肢麻不仁、眩晕、目花干涩,其病机是
- 我国《公司法》规定,公司可以用货币、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权出资,但不可以用实物出资。()
- 人民检察院对公安机关及其人民警察在侦查活动中违反羁押和办案期限规定的,要及时发现并纠正,依法实施监督。 ()
- The boys are not interested in thing that are not relevant to them.
- Questions 9-13<br>Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?<br>In boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet write<br>TRUE——if the information in the text agrees with the statement<br>FALSE——if the information in the text contradicts the statement<br>NOT GIVEN——if there is no information on this<br>Cloves are used to make aspirin.
- The author thinks of advertisements as ______to teenagers.
- A.takingB.copyingC.typingD.moving
- Section A<br>Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.<br>(12)
- A.betweenB.uponC.byD.with
- 甲公司于1月15日向乙公司销售产品一批,应收账款总额为11万元,规定的付款条件为(2/10,1/20,N/30)。如果乙公司于1月22日付款,甲公司实际收到的金额是()万元。
- How many more decades will have to pass ______ scientists succeed in providing a cure for
- A.In cold zones.B.In hot zones.C.In temperate zones.D.Any climate.
- A.Chinese is as difficult to learn as English.B.For women it may not be so difficult t
- 加班工资也应计入工资总额。()
- 题6~8:某钢筋混凝土框架,计算简图如图3-2所示,梁的刚度EI=∞。建筑的场地类别为Ⅱ类,抗震设防烈度8度,设计地震分组为第三组,设计基本地震加速度为0.20g,结构阻尼比ξ=0.05。<br>已知该榀框架的第一、第二振型自振周期T1=1.1s,T2=0.35s。试问,在多遇地震下,对应于第一、第二振型的地震影响系数α1、α2,分别与下列哪一组数值最为接近?
- 现金流量是指企业现金和现金等价物的流入量和流出量。()
- 在框架平面内,上段柱的计算长度系数与下列何项数值最为接近?<br>提示:①下段柱的惯性矩已考虑了腹杆变形的影响。<br>②屋架下弦设有纵向水平支撑和横向水平支撑。
- 使用系统函数sqrt()时,应在程序开头写上的编译预处理命令是()
- 凡是缴纳增值税、消费税、营业税的纳税人,须同时缴纳城市维护建设税。()
- 该梁按荷载短期效应组合并考虑荷载长期作用影响产生的挠度值f1=56.6mm。计算求得的预应力短期反拱值f2=14.2mm;该梁属于在使用上对挠度有较高要求的构件。试问,该梁的挠度值与规范允许的挠度值之比,应与下列何项数值最为接近?
- 阶级矛盾和统治阶级内部矛盾的不可调和性,是警察产生的阶级条件。()
- 公安机关必须接受党委领导的同时,还需要依照党政分开的原则,同时强调政府对公安机关的领导。()
- 警告是既具有教育性质又具有强制性质的最轻的一种治安管理处罚,主要适用于初犯、偶犯,且情节轻微,后果较轻的违反治安管理行为,是适用最灵活、最广泛的治安管理处罚方法。()
- 根据便利对外贸易的需要,检验检疫机构可对法定检验的出口商品进行出厂前的质量监督管理和检验。 ()
- 汇票未按规定期限提示承兑的,持票人丧失对前手的追索权。()
- Questions 23-26<br>According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given.<br>"Cyber Monday" is ______.
- 在执法过程中进行的教育工作是指对可能酿成违法犯罪、治安事件、治安事故的因素有重点地开展教育工作。()
- 检验检疫机构对涉及国家安全、环境保护、人类健康的进口旧机电产品实施装运前检验制度。 ()
- 合伙企业依法被宣告破产的,普通合伙人对合伙企业债务仍应承担无限连带责任。()
- Section A<br>Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.<br>Two new bridges ______ on the river by the end of next year.
- 中国某公司拟与外国某公司共同投资设立一中外合资经营企业,双方约定,企业总投资额为1200万美元,注册资本为520万美元。其中,中方出资360万美元,外方出资160万美元。各方出资自企业营业执照签发之日起6个月内一次缴清。中外双方这一约定,符合中外合资经营企业法律制度的规定。 ()
- Task 2<br>Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.<br>As civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life-food, shelter, clothes, and warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfill needs which have been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for comfort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours. I shall take it for granted that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of the housewives will wish to be relived completely from the routine operations of the home such as vacuuming the floors, or washing the clothes, or making beds.<br>By far the most logical step to relieve the housewife of routine, is to provide a robot slave which can be trained to the requirements of a particular home and can be programmed to carry out half a dozen or more standard operations, when so switched by the housewife.<br>In this passage, the author states that______.
- ______ gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent
- 从事生产、经营的纳税人违反税收征收管理法律制度规定,拒不接受税务机关处理的,税务机关可以收缴其发票或者停止向其发售发票。 ()
- 听力原文:What kind of room will the man have?<br>(12)
- 男,24岁,一年来头晕,乏力,心悸,经常鼻出血、牙龈出血。体查:贫血状,皮肤有淤点,肝、脾不大。血象:Hb
- Giving Up Smoking<br>A number of devices are available to help a person quit smoking. Nicotine (尼古丁) patches are small, nicotine-containing adhesive (粘着的) discs applied to the skin. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream (血流). Over time, the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased. Nicotine gum (口香糖) works in a similar manner, providing small doses of nicotine when chewed (咀嚼).<br>The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoker and easier admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking. In a 1988 report, the U.S. Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than tile use of cocaine (可卡因), alcohol, or heroin. Recent evidence supports this claim.<br>The United States government has collected a special tax on cigarettes for several decades. The rate rose from 8 cents per pack of 20 cigarettes in 1951 to 24 cents per pack in 1993. In other developed countries, the cigarette tax rate is much higher, ranging from 50 percent in Switzerland to 85 percent in Denmark.<br>In the United States, the first direct action to check smoking was the regulation of a warning on cigarette packages by the Federal Trade Commission. This warning took effect in 1964 and was strengthened in 1969 to read: "Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health." In 1971 all cigarette advertising was banned from radio and television, and cities and states passed laws requiring nonsmoking sections in public places and workplaces.<br>Which of the following can help a person quit smoking?
- 现代企业中的委托—代理问题是由于信息不对称所导致的。()
- 图所示桁架中杆12的内力N12为()。
- A公司对外负债130万元,另有30万元的货款未予追回(欠款人为D公司)。20印年3月A公司经全体股东同意分立为B、C两个公司,由B承受A公司的全部债权债务,并办理变更登记与公告。同年4月,B、C签订协议,约定A公司对D公司的30万元债权由C享有。同年5月,C向法院起诉D,要求归还30万元货款。有关该案的正确表述是下列哪项?()
- 短棒菌苗主要影响
- A.concernedB.popularC.loyalD.related
- 由于()适用范围较广而成为斜拉桥主梁施工最常用的方法。
- 框架柱KZ1轴压比为0.60,受力钢筋保护层厚度取30mm,纵向钢筋直径d≥20mm,箍筋配置形式如图3-2所示。试问,该框架柱(除柱根外)加密区的箍筋最小配置,选用以下何项才最为合适?
- After a store had sold k television sets for p dollars each, it reduced the price p of each set by 5 percent and then sold twice as many sets at this reduced price.<br>Column A Column B<br>The total revenue from the sale of<br>all of these television sets 2.95pk
- A.She has a bad working habit.B.She wakes up early.C.She always goes to bed too late.D.
- 题38~40:某钢筋混凝土梁截面尺寸200mm×500mm,如图3-11所示。梁端支撑压力设计值N1=60kN,局部受压面积内上部轴向力设计值No=160kN。墙的截面尺寸为1200mm×240mm (梁端位于墙长中部),采用MU10烧结普通砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。<br>提示:不考虑强度调整系数γa的影响。<br>试问,墙的局部受压面积Al(mm2)与下列何项数值最为接近?
- The complain against media in the reporting of criminal cases is that
- 适用于黏性土、砂性土和粒径不大于100mm的卵石层地层的是()。
- Ms. Smith got an 8 percent cost of living raise of $ 20 per week.<br>Column A Column B<br>Ms. Smith's new weekly salary $260
- Section B<br>Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.<br>听力原文:M: May I see a hat, please?<br>W: What size do you take?<br>M: Sorry, I don't know.<br>W: Let me take the measure ... You take size 6. What color hat would you like?<br>M: Brown, please.<br>W: Here are some nice brown hats. Try this hat on. It's a very good one.<br>M: Yes, I like this one. It goes very well with my coat. How much is it?<br>W: The original price was $12 . 95. It's on sale today. It's $9.95 now. Do you want me to put it in a box?<br>M: OK, thanks.<br>Q6. What color did the man prefer for his hat?<br>(10)
- 合同当事人双方根据自愿原则签订的合法合同,其合同的法律效力是由()来保障的。
- 欧洲债券投资者的利息收入是免税的,一般每半年付息一次。()
- 如何运用外币期货交易防范外汇风险?()。
- 国家统计局定期对外发布的国民经济和社会发展中的有关统计数据,是证券投资分析中判断宏观经济运行状况、行业先进水平或平均水平等的重要数据类信息来源。()
- 由丝状菌、球状菌、杆菌形成的栅栏状结构为
- 男性,70岁,排尿困难10年,近一年加重,伴尿频、尿急和尿痛。查体:前列腺Ⅱ度增大,质中,光滑。B超前列腺5.2cm×4.6cm×3.8cm,膀胱内多个强光团回声伴声影直径0.5~1.0cm。膀胱X线平片未见结石影<br>该患者的治疗首选的是
- 某企业2004年年初“利润分配-未分配利润”账户的借方余额为20万元(未超过亏损弥补期);全年实现的利润总额为300万元;本年度发生违反税法规定的罚款支出2万元;企业计提的固定资产折旧为4万元,按税法规定应计提的折旧为3万元。该企业适用的所得税税率为33%,采用应付税款法对所得税进行核算。该企业2004年度利润分配表中“可供分配的利润”项目应填列的金额为()万元。
- A.the timeB.the instantC.the momentD.the point
- 管理两种以上物业注册资质一级的物业管理企业,其多层住宅物业管理总面积的计算基数要求()。
- 纤维空洞型肺结核的特点是
- 下列分别属于注册造价工程师权利和义务的是()。