A. 物理配送 B. 实体配送 C. 有形销售
A. 容器运输 B. 管道运输 C. 集装箱运输
A. 甩挂运输 B. 中转运输 C. 租船运输
A. base stock B. safety stock C. speculative stock D. pipeline stock
A. train B. track C. pipeline D. plane
A. Private warehouse Bonded warehouse Commodity warehouse D. Particular warehouse
A. The consumer package B. The industrial package C. The marketing package D. The interior package
A. Shipping mark B. Handling instruction C. Handling mark D. Information mark
A. Bulk storage warehouse B. Special commodity warehouse C. General merchandise warehouse D. Bonded warehouse
A. time B. place C. consistency D. personnel