Directions: Listen to the audio clip and fill in the blanks.[音频]I always enjoy watching nature shows. Since I really get to see animals in the nature habitat in person seeing them doing what they normally do on television is the next best thing. I was recently 1) ______________________________, thriving when the weather is good 2) ____________________________________. Then they got to thinking about us, humans, and how on some ways we thrive or survive 3)_________________________________________ ____________.Then I thought ,what makes us so special; how are we different from animals; of course we are like animals: we eat, drink, sleep, grow, make families and pass on. We are at the top of 4) _____________, we can kill other animal for food if we want, but animals kill for need. Human sometimes kill of anger. We can 5) ____________but 6) ___________________.Humans could help other humans and animals in need. Sure some pets are known to have rescued on their owners, but it's rare for an animal to save human. If animals think much, they don't really show it. Humans, on the other hand, sure do a lot of thinking. We dedicate 7) ______________, we can’t play on our own dives, we read books, we create art; we spend leisure time doing things just for fun. Just enjoy life not because we have to do those things to survive. It seems like humans are not really satisfied with themselves. We are in to self-improvement. We also go overboard or 8) ______________ because we are harder satisfied. We get surgery and changes the way we look.Animals know 9) _____________________________________ _____________.We shape our environment to fit our needs and sometimes destroy that actual environment. There are few famous animals in history; there are many famous people 10) _______________________________________. Human history is full of trims of doing what was thought to be impossible. Humans can do amazing things but so can't animals.
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