During the 19th century, it was common to hear people<br>in Europe and America say that the sources of the sea were S1. ______<br>unlimited. For example, a noted American biologist in the<br>mid 19th century commented that none of the great sea<br>fisheries are to be exhausting. Today though, there is S2. ______<br>evidences that the resources of the sea are as seriously S3. ______<br>endangered as that of the land and the air, and that the S4. ______<br>endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the<br>African Elephant, Indian Tiger, and the American Eagle.<br>Further, the threats to fish are more alarmed in some ways S5. ______<br>than the threats to animals and birds. This is because of fish S6. ______<br>is a much needed food resource and people throughout the<br>world depend on fish as an important part of their dish, and<br>the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects in S7. ______<br>hunger and population. Fishermen in the North Atlantic<br>alone annual harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food S8. ______<br>demands, but it is important to recognize that these practices<br>cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next<br>few years. Sea resources are rapid declining in many parts of the S9. ______<br>world, and the problem cannot ignore. We can predict that food S10. ______<br>supplies in the sea cannot last forever.<br>【S1】<br>【S2】<br>【S3】<br>【S4】<br>【S5】<br>【S6】<br>【S7】<br>【S8】<br>【S9】<br>【S10】<br>请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!
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