A. 绅士的 B. 轻柔的 C. 温暖的
A. 太阳雨 B. 太阳能 C. 日光浴
A. 闷热的 B. 愚钝的 C. 迟缓的
A. 美好的 B. 糟糕的 C. 愉快的
A. 火热的 B. 温暖的 C. 宜人的
A. 下降 B. 骤变 C. 上升
A. Itis sunny and clear these days. B. The day is veryhot and dry. C. I'd like to go fishing. D. I'm good at swimming.
A. How is the weather today? B. What's the weather like today? C. Do you like hot? D. When shall I go?