A. wastheanchorofthefamily B. doesn’t remembernamesorfaces C. livedinahospital D. wasoneofthemillionwhohaddementia
A. diabetes B. Alzheimer’s disease C. heart disease and cancer D. heartdiseaseorcancer
A. morethanthepopulationofNewYorkCityatthattime B. 15%ofallAmericans C. 9.1millionpeople D. morethandoubled
A. doubled B. tripled C. fourfold D. the same
A. foundacommunity B. getsupportfromlocalcaregivers C. gototheAlzheimer’s Association D. take a six-week class
A. could live a rich life B. could not make a living C. couldliveaneasierlife D. could scrape a living
A. theirblood B. the fibres of their hair C. their brain D. body
A. the government B. localcommunity C. hospitals D. family caregivers
A. better education and training on dementia B. improved access to long-term care C. tax incentives and other financial aid for family caregivers D. all of the above
A. high cost of dementia B. too much reliance on family caregivers C. the lack of education D. the financial supply from the government