[音频]Listen and fill in the missing words. All answers are in lower case.M: There was a time in the United States when some _(01)_ colleges and universities charged no tuition.W: Those days are long gone, my friend. To get an _(02)_ today is very expensive.M: In the United States, for the 2016—2017 school year, it’s $9,650 for public _(03)_ .W: I wonder what the cost is if you wanted to go to a _(04)_ college?M: You’re looking at $33,480 for one year, _(05)_ by 4 years is $133,920.W: You’re already in _(06)_ before you even start working.M: And for out-of-state _(07)_ attending public universities, it could cost you $24,930.W: Now, that’s an _(08)_ of course.M: What do you mean?W: It’s _(09)_ on the university and course you choose.M: I was thinking of going to Yale or Harvard.W: Be _(10)_ to pay at least $39,419 U.S. a year. The better the college the more expensive.M: I wonder if I should rethink my choices. Attending _(11)_ school somehow isn’t as appealing as before, when there is a price tag attached to it.W: Every worthwhile _(12)_ has a price tag attached to it. If that’s your passion, then, go for it. Worry later about the debt.M: Easy for you to say. You come from a wealthy (13)_. The stress and debt alone is making me wonder whether I made the right decision to _(14)_ in the first place.W: You have to think of it this way; while the cost of medical school in and of itself is certainly high, the true cost of becoming a _(15)_ is an accomplishment of a lifetime.
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