A. Equal B. Not Equal C. 编译错误 D. 运行时错误
A. 输出1 B. 输出True C. 输出Flase D. 编译错误
A. if(gender==”男” or age<40 and rank==”教授”):n+=1 B. if(gender==”男” and age<40 and rank==”教授”):n+=1 C. if(gender==”男” and age<40 or rank==”教授”):n+=1 D. if(gender==”男” or age<40 or rank==”教授”):n+=1
A. maxNum=x if x>y else y B. maxNum=math.max(x,y) C. if(x>y):maxNum=xelse: maxNum=y D. if(y>=x):maxNum=yelse: maxNum=x
A. if(gender==”男” and score<60 or score>=90):n+=1 B. if(gender==”男” and score<60 and score>=90):n+=1 C. if(gender==”男” and (score<60 or score>=90)):n+=1 D. if(gender==”男” or score<60 or score>=90):n+=1