Understanding Autism
1 Autism (孤独症) is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding what they see, hear, and otherwise sense. This results in severe problems of social relationships, communication, and behavior. Individuals with autism have to painstakingly '(费力地) learn normal patterns of speech and communication, and appropriate ways to relate to people, objects, and events, in a similar manner to those who have had a stroke.
The cause of autism is still unknown. Some research suggests a physical problem affecting those parts of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses. There may be some imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic (遗传的) factors may sometimes be involved. Autism may indeed result from a combination of several "causes".
3 Most people with mental retardation (智力迟钝的)show relatively even skill development. Individuals with autism, however, typically show uneven skill development, with deficits (~欠缺) in certain areas - most frequently in their ability to communicate and relate to others - and distinct skills in other areas. It is important to distinguish autism from mental retardation or other disorders, since diagnostic (诊断的) confusion may lead to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques.
4 In general, individuals with autism perform. best at jobs which are structured and involve a degree of repetition. Some people who have autism are working as artists, piano tuners, painters, farm workers, office workers, computer operators, dishwashers, assembly line workers, or employees of sheltered workshops or other sheltered work settings.
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A What causes autism?
B How common is autism?
C Does autism occur together with other disabilities?
D What is the difference between autism and mental retardation?
E What is autism?
F What kinds of jobs can individuals with autism do?
What Do Dreams Tell Us?
1 Why do we dream? Do dreams have meanings? These are questions which have troubled man for thousands of years. The oldest surviving book on the interpretation of dreams is Egyptian and is nearly 4,000 years old.In ancient Greece,it was thought that people who were ill could be cured by telling their dreams.They would relate their dreams to their doctors who would tell them what they meant, and then give them medicine to make them well.The ancient Chinese believed that if a pregnant woman dreamed of a bear,she would have a son.and if she dreamed of a snake,she would have a daughter.There are.Many stories about dreams foretelling(预言)the future.
2 We certainly do not now believe that dreams foretell the future.Most scientists believe that dreams are based on events in our own life and on our feelings.The events are usually very recent, mostly within the last two days.Our emotions, on the other hand,our wishes,hopes and fears, may go back many years, even to early childhood.
3 In a dream, events are altered. A dream may contain parts of many real-life events.Most importantly,something that cannot be shown directly may be shown indirectly.For example, you might dream of driving a large car. This could mean not that you want to have a larger car,but that you desire power,and maybe you want to control other people.Again,you may dream that you are an actor in a play.The play is about to start, but you have completely forgotten your lines。This dream may seem strange because you are not interested in acting, and you-never want to be in a play.But the dream may mean that you have some other problem that you feel is too difficult for you to solve.
4 Psychologists believe that dreams may be helpful to us. Indeed,people who have been allowed to sleep in experiments, but not allowed to dream,have become anxious and restless.And when they are later allowed to sleep as much as they like,they dream more than ever to make up for the lost "dream time".
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A Stucture and interpretation of a dream
B Ancient views on dreams
C Babies dream less than older children
D Dreaming may be good for our health
E Dreams cannot foretell the future
F Healthy people do not dream