&8226;You will hear five short recordings.
&8226;For each recording, decide what stage of agreement each speaker is talking about.
&8226;Write one letter (A--H) next to the number of the recording.
&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.
&8226;You will hear the five recordings twice.
A signing an agreement
B reviewing a contract
C discussing new ideas
D implementing plans
E revising the wording of a contract
F canceling an appointment
G clarifying details
H setting up a signing date
A. 进入腹腔探查肿瘤由近及远
B. 先阻断肿瘤系膜根部血管,由系膜根部向肠管游离
C. 在拟切断肠管处用布带阻断肠管,减少癌细胞肠管肉种植转移
D. 与周围组织粘连时尽量一并整块切除
E. 关腹前要充分冲洗腹腔,减少癌细胞种植与腹腔感染
A. T1:肿瘤侵及黏膜和(或)黏膜下层
B. T2:肿瘤侵及肌层或浆膜下
C. T3:肿瘤浸透浆膜
D. T4:肿瘤侵犯邻近结构或器官
E. Tx:肿瘤侵及的深度既明确,又广泛
A. 肝内型门脉高压症的晚期约三分之一患者有腹水
B. 呕血后常引起或加剧腹水的形成,有些“顽固性腹水”甚难消退
C. 肝外型门脉梗阻由于肝功能损害严重,腹水顽固
D. 腹水的出现是肝功能失代偿的表现
E. 原因包括低蛋白血症、门静脉压升高和肝功能损害