



A. 流水CPu是以空间并行性为原理构造的处理器
B. 流水CPu一定是RISC机器
C. 流水cPu一定是多媒体CPU
D. 流水CPU是一种非常经济而实用的时间并行技术


(英译汉)If you have learnt to love books as a child, the reading habit will never desert you. But if this has not been your good fortune, you tend to think of reading as a bore. A few, but very few, come to the habit late in life. The circumstances which help to set a child on the path to the literary adventure are: a life even barely above real poverty, so that there is cope in the family for thoughts and activities not wholly devoted to the struggle for making a living; the availability of free books either at home or in a public library; and the possession of a character both curious and independent.
In order to desire to read one must be curious. A few children are able to keep this curiosity and their mental independence alive despite the educational system of their country. But many fail to do so either because of an overstrict system where what is most important is memory work; or because of a careless and lazy one where even the basic disciplines of literacy are ignored in the sacred name of free expression.

