

A. 当事人具有不同的国籍
B. 当事人的营业地在不同国家
C. 合同项下的货物跨越国境
D. 合同订立时及合同履行过程中,当事人的营业地在不同国家


You are designing an organizational unit (OU) structure to manage the New App servers. What should you do? ()

A. Create one OU that includes both the web servers and the database servers.
B. Create one OU that includes the web servers and one OU that includes the database servers.
Create one OU that includes the web servers. Then Place the database servers in the Computer Containers.
D. Place the web server and the database servers in the Domain Controller O

Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. You are installing the RD Session Host (RD Session Host) role service in Server Manager on a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. The Audio and video playback check box on the Configure Client Experience page is not available. You need to ensure that you can enable audio and video playback for users connecting to the RD Session Host server. Which two actions should you perform? ()

A. Start the Windows Audio service.
B. Install the Desktop Experience feature.
C. Install Connection Manager Administration Kit feature.
D. Start the Windows Audio EndPoint Builder service.

某集团公司2013年存在以下问题: 会计人员甲认为会计不过是“打打算盘数数钞,写写数字填填表”的琐碎工作,因此,工作中消极懒惰,不进行主动学习,也从不对单位的管理活动提供任何合理化建议,而会计人员乙则认为会计是为单位服务的,对于前来办理会计业务的人员“官大办得快,官小办得慢,无官拖着办”。通过公司组织的会计法和会计职业道德的培训,甲和乙均认识到自己的错误。 公司因技术改造,需要向银行贷款1000万元。公司董事长指令会计人员丙和丁,将提供给银行的会计报表进行“技术处理”,丙坚决反对编制虚假财务报告,董事长随命令人事部将丙调离会计工作岗位,丁虽然不愿意,但担心自己被炒鱿鱼,因此,仍然编制了一份虚假的会计报告,使公司获得了银行贷款。 丙会计人员的行为坚持了会计职业道德的要求有()。查看材料

A. 廉洁自律
B. 诚实守信
C. 坚持准则
D. 客观公正


A. 废旧灯管
B. 废旧电池
C. 办公废纸
D. 废机油
