



A. 表壳脏污
B. 量程过大
C. 超期服役损坏
D. 循环氢带液

You are using the Database Resource Manager to manage database resources. You created a resource plan directive for the MANAGERS resource consumer group under the SALES_PLAN by using the following statement: SQL>EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE (PLAN => ’SALES_PLAN’, GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => ’MANAGERS’, CPU_P1 => 100, CPU_P2 =>0, SWITCH_GROUP => ’CLERKS’, SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL => 600); A user, SCOTT, who is assigned to the MANAGERS group, starts a database session and executes a query on the database. What is the outcome if the query takes approximately 15 minutes to complete?()

A. The query starts under the CLERKS group and the user, SCOTT, switches back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.
B. The query starts under the MANAGERS group but terminates with an error when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes.
C. The query starts under the MANAGERS group and switches automatically to the CLERKS group when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes. The query does not switch back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.
D. The query starts under the MANAGERS group, the user SCOTT switches automatically to the CLERKS group when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes, and then switches back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.


A. 会计制度健全
B. 独立核算
C. 能够通过计算机正确、完整计算其收入和所得或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款的
D. 计算机输出的会计记录必须打印成完整的书面记录


A. 专职审批人
B. 贷审会秘书
D. 授信审批中心主任
