If the spoiler system is jammed, force applied to the Captain’s control wheel provides roll control from the ailerons. The spoilers and the First Officer’s control wheel are _________.
A. serviceable
B. unserviceable
C. inserviceable
D. servicing
Hydraulic shutoff valves can be used to _________ each aileron, as well as the elevators and rudder, from related hydraulic system pressure.
A. isolate
B. engage
C. deflect
D. command
The roll control surfaces consist of hydraulically powered ailerons and flight spoilers which are controlled by _________ either control wheel.
A. Pulling
B. dialing
C. rolling
D. rotating
Either hydraulic system A or B can operate all primary flight controls. Ailerons and elevators can be operated _________ if required.
A. manually
B. electrically
C. hydraulically
D. automatically
The pitch control surfaces consist of hydraulically powered elevators and an electrically powered _________.
A. yaw damper
B. stabilizer
C. spoiler
D. actuator