Most Americans clean their plates, no matter how full those plates are, a survey has found. The findings, released by the American Institute for Cancer Research on Thursday, add to the debate over how much restaurants and fast-food outlets are contributing to the epidemic of obesity (肥胖症) in the United States and elsewhere.The institute"s survey found that 69% of thosepolledfinish their meals most or all of the time, even when the portions are huge."Fully 30% Americans now say they generally base the amount of food they eat on the amount they are served,"according to the institute, which promotes research on the links between diet and cancer. "In a country where 64% of us are overweight or obese, there is an alarming tendency to overlook the sheer amount of food we"re eating," Dr. Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University told a news conference.The report compiled information from two surveys involving 1,000 adults each. One was conducted in 2000 and the other in 2003. In 2000, 7% of those surveyed said they ate their entire meal all the time when dining at full-service restaurants. That number rose to 37% in 2003."Scientific studies show that people can and do unconsciously consume more calories-- as much as 56% more-- when served larger portions," the institute said. Which of the following word can best replace the word "polled"
A. found
B. surveyed
C. talked with
D. showed
For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.
A. 多年前就可以做到在公路上安装照相机监视过往的车辆,对那些闯红灯或者超速的车辆 进行拍照。
B. 多年前就可以做到在公路上安装摄像头,对那些在高速公路上急驰,在街上闯红灯,或者超速的车辆进行拍照。
C. 多年前就已经在公路上安装了摄像头,这样就可以对那些在高速公路上飞速行驶,在街上闯红灯,或者超速的车辆进行拍照。
D. 多年来,在公路上安装了照相机,对那些过往车辆,以及闯红灯或者超速的车辆进行拍照,已经成为可能。
E. 多年前就可以做到在公路上安装摄像头监视过往的车辆,对那些闯红灯或者超速的车辆进行拍照。
Most Americans clean their plates, no matter how full those plates are, a survey has found. The findings, released by the American Institute for Cancer Research on Thursday, add to the debate over how much restaurants and fast-food outlets are contributing to the epidemic of obesity (肥胖症) in the United States and elsewhere.The institute"s survey found that 69% of thosepolledfinish their meals most or all of the time, even when the portions are huge."Fully 30% Americans now say they generally base the amount of food they eat on the amount they are served,"according to the institute, which promotes research on the links between diet and cancer. "In a country where 64% of us are overweight or obese, there is an alarming tendency to overlook the sheer amount of food we"re eating," Dr. Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University told a news conference.The report compiled information from two surveys involving 1,000 adults each. One was conducted in 2000 and the other in 2003. In 2000, 7% of those surveyed said they ate their entire meal all the time when dining at full-service restaurants. That number rose to 37% in 2003."Scientific studies show that people can and do unconsciously consume more calories-- as much as 56% more-- when served larger portions," the institute said. How much more food can one consume unconsciously according to the scientific studies
A. 7%
B. 30%
C. 37%
D. 56%
I remember the marvelous snow house we made one winter when the snow was very high in the fields.
A. 我记起一个冬天,当田野里的雪很厚时,我们用雪堆了一个奇异的雪屋。
B. 我记得有一年冬天,田地上覆盖着很厚的雪,我们用雪堆了一座奇异的雪屋。
C. 我记得有一年冬天,田野里覆盖着厚厚的积雪,我们用雪堆成了一座形状怪异的雪屋。
D. 我记得在有一年的冬天,我们用地上厚厚的积雪 堆成了的形状怪异的雪屋。
E. 我记得有一个冬天,当田野里的雪很厚的时候,我们用雪堆了一座形状怪异的雪屋。
Most Americans clean their plates, no matter how full those plates are, a survey has found. The findings, released by the American Institute for Cancer Research on Thursday, add to the debate over how much restaurants and fast-food outlets are contributing to the epidemic of obesity (肥胖症) in the United States and elsewhere.The institute"s survey found that 69% of thosepolledfinish their meals most or all of the time, even when the portions are huge."Fully 30% Americans now say they generally base the amount of food they eat on the amount they are served,"according to the institute, which promotes research on the links between diet and cancer. "In a country where 64% of us are overweight or obese, there is an alarming tendency to overlook the sheer amount of food we"re eating," Dr. Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University told a news conference.The report compiled information from two surveys involving 1,000 adults each. One was conducted in 2000 and the other in 2003. In 2000, 7% of those surveyed said they ate their entire meal all the time when dining at full-service restaurants. That number rose to 37% in 2003."Scientific studies show that people can and do unconsciously consume more calories-- as much as 56% more-- when served larger portions," the institute said. How many people are involved in the surveys conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research
A. 370
B. 1,000
C. 2,000
D. 1,300