

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%


You manage a computer running Windows 2000 Professional that belongs to a workgroup. You create a new user account (Tony) on that computer that is not a member of the Administrators group. You log on using the new account. You create a file with notepad in a folder that is on a volume formatted with NTFS. You encrypt the file. You give another user account defined on that computer, Luis the permission to take ownership of the file. Luis logs on using the account and takes ownership. However, she receives an error message reporting that access is denied when she tries to open the file. What can you do to allow Luis to open the file?()

A. Instruct Luis to decrypt the file before she tries to open it.
B. Log on with the account Tony and decrypt the file.
C. Move the file to a folder that is not encrypted on a different volume that is formatted with NTF
D. Move the file to a folder that is not encrypted on the same volume.


背景 某社区活动中心工程,3层框架结构,无地下室,总建筑面积2417m2,层高均为4.5m,局部有1.2m深大截面梁。由于地质条件比较好,设计为放大基础加地连梁,房心回填土后夯实,之后再做首层地面。 在一层顶梁板施工时,钢筋制安、模板支设完毕,开始浇筑混凝土,当混凝土浇筑约1/3时,突遇大暴雨,混凝土浇筑暂停,留置施工缝;待天气好转后,进行剩余混凝土浇筑。 该层模板拆除后,发现整层楼板下陷,两次浇筑的混凝土均出现开裂。经调查,大雨时雨水浸湿一层地面夯实土层,致使模板底支架基础发生沉降,导致整个支撑系统不均匀变形,刚浇筑的楼板均出现下陷且混凝土大量开裂。 本案例中,第二次浇筑混凝土时施工缝的处理应符合哪些规定?


A. 1/5
B. 1/10
C. 1/15
D. 1/20
