A. 长江流域
B. 中国三分之一的人口
C. 居住
A. Well-prepared Chinese food tastes good and looks good as well.
B. Well-preparing Chinese food tastes good and looks good as well.
C. Well-prepare Chinese food tastes good and looks good as well.
A. Lanterns are usually make of thin paper of bright colors.
B. Lanterns usually made of thin paper of bright colors.
C. Lanterns are usually made of thin paper of bright colors.
山西省境内的均归入海河水系的河流有( )。
A. 涑水河、漳河、朱家川河
B. 桑干河、滹沱河、漳河
C. 汾河、丹河、沁河
D. 昕水河、三川河、桑干河