
This damage has put the American model of free-market capitalism under a cloud. What does the underlined phrase “under a cloud” mean()

A. under control
B. under construction
C. under fire
D. under suspicion


/e/ is a()vowel

A. low back rounded lax
B. high front unrounded lax
C. mid front unrounded lax
D. mid central unrounded lax

The New World Order is the first chapter of ____()

A. Diplomacy
B. World Order
C. American History
D. America in the 21st Century

Who is the most important literary figure during the Middle English period()

A. Beowulf
B. King James
D. Shakespeare

In 2004,___ launched a countervailing investigation case on China’s products, this was the first foreign countervailing case against China’s exports()

A. Canada
B. India
C. The European Union
D. The United States
