
某种商品的供给曲线的移动是由于( )

A. 互补品价格的变动
B. 生产技术条件的变化
C. 生产这种商品的成本发生变化
D. 政府政策的变化


函数在点X0处连续是在该点可导的( )

A. 必要非充分条件
B. 充分非必要条件
C. 充分必要条件
D. 即非充分也非必要条件

Read the sentence and choose the best answer.The government has set up a strict legal system to protect the intellectual ______.

A. right
B. property
C. power
D. duty

He had determined to live up to the ______of the company.

A. hope
B. dream
C. expectation
D. fantasy

Even the cheapest car costs the ______ of 5 years’ salary for an ordinary worker.

A. equivalent
B. price
C. expenditure
D. equivalency
