在决定支持双绞线连接的接口时,你通常会考虑哪个交换机的选择因素? Which switch selection factor are you typically considering when deciding on interfaces that support twisted-pair connections?
A. 端口类型 type of ports
B. 速度要求 speed required
C. 可扩展性 expandability
D. 可管理性 manageability
在决定模块化或固定配置时,你通常会考虑哪个交换机的选择因素? Which switch selection factor are you typically considering when deciding between modular or fixed configurations?
A. 端口类型 type of ports
B. 速度要求 speed required
C. 可扩展性 expandability
D. 可管理性 manageability
控制台电缆还被称为什么其他名称? A console cable is also referred to by what other name?
A. 以太网电缆 Ethernet cable
B. 交叉电缆 crossover cable
C. 滚动电缆 rollover cable
D. 直通电缆 straight-through cable
当第一次连接到交换机以配置它时,你应该对最初的对话问题回答 "不"。回答 "不 "后,会有什么提示? When first connecting to a switch to configure it for the first time, you should answer "no" to the initial dialog question. After answering "no", what is the prompt?
A. Switch
B. Switch
C. Switch> Switch>
D. Switch(config)
E. Switch(config)
F. Switch(config-if)
G. ) Switch(config-if)
哪两个端口通常用于设备管理?(选择两个。) Which two ports are typically used for device management? (Choose two.)
A. 控制台端口 console port
B. 存储端口 storage port
C. uplink端口 uplink port
D. LAN接入端口 LAN access port
E. 电源端口 power port