Mode = 1相对式直接回原点与Mode = 0相同,以该模式触发MC_Home指令后轴并不运行,只是更新轴的当前位置值。更新的方式与Mode = 0不同,而是在轴原来坐标值的基础上加上“Position”数值后得到的坐标值作为轴当前位置的新值。
A. 对
B. 错
Now listen to something morechallenging and fill in the blanks.The words inbrackets will give you some hints.[音频]After being entertained in l) _________ home, you should always give your thanks to 2)________. The fact that you have brought them 3)______doesn't mean that you no longer need to express your gratitude. That is to say, one can never "buy" thanks 4)________.A telephone call or an email might be the most convenient way to 5)________. But your host and hostess would appreciate it 6)_______if you write a thank-you letter. You'd better take a piece of your best writing paper and write 7) ________instead of typing. This will help to give your letter a personal touch. Besides 8) ______how much you have enjoyed yourself, you should also say some good words properly about 9)_______personal beauty, cooking, the house or the children. To the host, you may mention the friends he has introduced to you,or 10)______ you have talked about together.
Fill in the blanks with proper articles.Joe was 1)_____strong young fellow. He had always wanted to be 2)_____astronaut (宇航员), so he was overjoyed when he saw 3)_____advertisement for vacancies (空缺) at 4)_____space research center. 5)______pity was that his application form didn't arrive in time for 6)______consideration for 7)_____full-time job, but he was happy to accept a part-time post. He worked very hard and got promoted soon.
Are the following statements True or False according to Passage 1?Thank-You Notes Are Heart-WarmingI'm not yet very good at it, but there is one thing Iwant to learn to do better. Itis writing thank-you notes. When you leave after working or staying with someone inthe US, you often get a card saying, for instance,“Mary, Ienjoyed working with youvery much. Thanks for everything. Cindy." Or“Dear Bob, thank you for visiting us. Wehad such a good time with you. Please come back in the near future. Love, Tom." Ofcourse, it is not just when you leave that you get a thank you note. They usually giveone to you when they leave after being your guests, though in this case, they mightwrite you another more formal letter of thanks later on. The letter may read like this:Dear Mrs. Dalton,It is so kind of you and your husband to let us stay with you for thewonderful week. We enjoyed and appreciated all of your kindness more thanwe can say. We hope that you will come to China some time soon so that wemay have the pleasure of seeing you in our home. In the meantime, thankyou for your generous hospitality, and my wife joins me in sending kindestregards to your family.Sincerely yours,KenSometimes people attach a thank-you note to a gift. The git may be big or small.It is the words on the card that really count! They help to convey the writers' message,gratitude and love to the receiver. Sometimes, cartoons are drawn on the card to makeit more vivid and personal.Ilike the custom because those thank-you notes are always heart-warming.Three examples are given in the passage to illustrate the way a thank you note is written.
A. 对
B. 错