Just as a book is often judged ________ by the quality and appearance of its cover,
A. previously
B. uniquely
C. outwardly
D. initially
请根据以下内容回答 105~106 题:
第 105 题 心火亢盛,阴血不足而心神烦乱者,治宜选用()
The place did not appear to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any
A. inadequate
B. inaccessible
C. incompatible
D. insignificant
根据下列选项,回答 45~48 题:
第 45 题 用于肾亏腰痛,风湿骨痛,膝软无力,神经衰弱,小便频数,遗精梦泄。