
听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah, what's up?
W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to give a presentation.
M: How did it go?
W: Terrible. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.
M: Why? Weren't you prepared?
W: No, it's not that. I just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever I've to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing. M: It is not so bad to blush.
W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls on me. Doesn't that ever happen to you?
M: No, not really. Maybe you should try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room, like the exit sign.
W: I guess I could try that. But I doubt it will help.
M: You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more ore less a learned behavior.
W: What do you mean?
M: Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.
W: I wonder why.
M: I don't know. But I had a friend in high school, Brian Smith. It was really easy to make him blush. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.
W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.

A. She had not completed her assignment.
B. She was unable to attend her psychology class.
C. She felt embarrassed in class.
D. Her presentation received a poor grade.



A. 对环境造成严重污染的企事业单位,必须进行限期治理
B. 对环境造成严重污染的企事业单位,必须进行限期整改
C. 任何单位不得将产生严重污染的生产设备转移给没有污染防治能力的单位使用
D. 可能发生重大污染事故的企业事业单位,应当采取措施,加强防范
E. 因发生事故或者其他突然性事件,造成或者可能造成污染事故的单位,必须立即采取措施处理,及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向当地环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。

A.Susan.B.His girlfriend.C.His wife.D.His sister.

A. Susan.
B. His girlfriend.
C. His wife.
D. His sister.

W: I'll see you in the library then.
Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn't believe he can do it.
B. She agrees with the man.
C. She expects to see him soon.
D. She will go to the library.

A.Useful skills.B.Applied courses.C.Finding a job.D.Working close with the teachers.

A. Useful skills.
B. Applied courses.
C. Finding a job.
D. Working close with the teachers.
