The writer holds that hospitals abroad are____.
A. more efficient than those in Britain
B. much cleaner than those in Britain
C. ultimately no better than those in Britain
D. ideal examples of an ideal healthcare system
Types of Organisational Culture
There is more than one (21) of organisational culture in the corporate world. This doesn't mean strong versus (22) although those are certainly two general categories for organisational culture.
While different theorists and different companies even might have differing opinions on the types of organisational cultures out there, there is a general consensus (23) four different types of organisational culture. Most companies or corporations in their style. or plan can fall (24) one of these four general types.
One type of organisational culture is the "tough-guy culture" or "macho culture." One of the most common aspects of the tough-guy or macho culture is the quick feedback and (25) rewards. The pace can be break-neck at times, but the obvious reward of the action is seen very quickly.
Another type of organisational culture is the "work hard/play hard" organisational cul ture. This type of organisational culture that doesn't (26) a lot of risks, but it does take a few, and all receive fast feedback. This is something most likely to be seen in a very large company which is dependent on strong customer service.
A third type of organisational culture is the "bet your company culture." This is a type of company where huge decisions are made over high stakes endeavors. In this type of cultuure, the (27) results of these decisions may not be seen for months or (28) years.
A fourth type of organisational culture is the "process culture." A process culture is most often found in organisations where there is actually no feedback. This is (29) a good culture. In this type of organisational culture people are so obsessed (30) the process of how things are done that the focus is lost on what the goal is. Process organisational culture is a synonym for bureaucracy.
A. types
B. type
C. kinds
D. ways
According to the passage the hunters kill their prey by____.
A. following their spoor
B. shooting them with spears
C. trapping them
D. shooting them with poisoned arrows
Jack and Ruth did not hold hands as they turned into Upshot Rise because_____.
A. Jack had sweaty hands
B. holding hands was considered immoral behavior
C. holding hands was not correct behavior. for Upshot Rise
D. they were too shy
A. 针对一个期间的鉴证对象信息获取充分、适当的证据,通常要比针对一个时点的鉴证对象信息获取充分、适当的证据更困难
B. 证据的相关性受其来源和性质的影响,并联决于获取证据的具体环境
C. 针对过程提出的结论通常限于鉴汪业务涵盖的期间,注册会计师不应对该过程是否在未来以特定方式继续发挥作用提出结论
D. 在评价证据的充分性和适当性以支持鉴证报告时,注册会计师应当运用职业判断,并保持职业怀疑态度