公开场合不能随便散发宗教宣传品 地陪小钟在当地陪同一个欧洲旅行团。按计划,团队的客人们上午要参观一个佛教寺庙,参观结束后,小钟让客人们自由活动,约好半小时后在停车场集合。客人们有的拍照,有的散步,非常愉快。突然,小钟发现该团旅游者露西在庙宇门口拿出许多《圣经》准备向游客们分发。小钟赶紧走上前去劝阻,请她把《圣经》收起来。可是露西对小钟说,中国是个宗教信仰自由的国家,为什么不能在此分发《圣经》。小钟想了想说,这里是佛教寺庙,是弘扬佛教的地方,她的做法可能会引起佛教徒的不满。露西问小钟在什么地方分发《圣经》最合适,小钟就让露西去停车场去发。后来当小钟在停车场帮露西发《圣经》时,被有关部门阻止。
Part A
Suppose you are a student of Fudan University. You went to Chengdu last month and unfortunately lost your bag there with your student card, identification card and 2000 yuan in it. When you got back to Shanghai, you received a parcel in which all your lost things are contained. From rite address of the writer, you know he is Li Wen, a teacher of Sichuan University. Now you want to write a letter of commendation to Li Wen.
You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Du Ping" instead. You do not need to write the address.