案例:我特别害怕见到我儿子的班主任或接到她的电话,因为,我儿子爱说爱动,在课堂上时常有“违反”纪律的现象, 因此事我被他的班主任在电话里或当面训了两三次。 “你这个家长是怎么当的,连个孩子都管不好! ”“孩子的毛病都是你们大人惯的, 就你们这样的家长实在太多了! ”“不怎么样的家长,孩子都是这个样,瞎逞能”等。有一次,儿子因同学给他起外号,把一个学生鼻子打出了血,我来到学校,当着其他老师的面,班主任第一句话就是:“看你把你儿子教育的,都反了天了!”,“这么点的孩子都管不好,你也太无能了吧?这还用我教你吗? ,,。”她训人的时候,神态颇为自豪,总是趾高气扬、盛气凌人的样子, 我心里对她已反感至极。 要不是我儿子在她的手底下,我非要和她好好理论一番不可。
问题:请分析下案例中教师在职业道德上存在的主要问题和危害, 你认为在教育中教师应怎样对待与学生家长的关系?
With which of the following predictive statement regarding Japanese automakers would the author most likely agree?
A. The efficiency levels of the Japanese automakers will decline if they become less flexible in their approach to production.
B. Japanese automakers productivity levels double during the late 1990"s.
C. United States automakers will originate net production processes before Japanese automakers do.
D. Japanese automakers will hire fewer workers than will United States automakers because each worker is required to perform. several jobs.
E. Japanese automakers will spend less on equipment repairs than will United States automakers because Japanese equipment can be easily altered.
A. O
B. 35598.29
C. 36324.79
D. 37051.28