关于墙网筋绑扎的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 钢筋直径小于等于12mm时,墙垂直钢筋每段长度不宜超过6m
B. 钢筋直径大于12mm时,墙垂直钢筋每段长度不宜超过8m
C. 水平钢筋每段长度不宜超过10m
D. 采用双层钢筋网时,在两层钢筋间应设置撑铁或绑扎架
2. Theme-relatedRead the passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriateword for each gap from the box following the passage.Imagine how you would fill in 24 hours a day,every day,if you ____(1) have to work. There you go-off to the beach in summer,the movies in winter,watch TV on rainy days,go skating or horse riding, ____ (2)a lot of books or magazines,sleep..
But would you? Where would the money____(3) from for your bus fares,the movies,the TV set and the electricity,the skates and books?
Let's say that ____ (4) grew on trees,and that no one had to worry about that“small”problem. Now you can do all those things... right?