
The new company increased the number of telephone switchboards and introduced the use of electronic switches instead of manual operators. Later in the 20th century as cables were laid across the ocean floor, this made communication with different continents possible, it was very expensive for people in the rural areas of the west to set up phone service though. In order to lower the prices of the telephone services, the United States government forced the telephone company to allow local telephone companies to offer competing services. When the private "baby bells" were allowed to operate, the prices of telephone service fell dramatically.
Where was the first telephone service in America established?

A. New York.
B. Washington
C. Philadelphia.
D. Chicago.



A. 可与有机物相混合
B. 可与碱或有机物相混合
C. 忌与碱或有机物相混合
D. 可与碱但不可与有机物相混合
E. 不可与碱但可与有机物相混合



A. 年平均浓度限值
B. 日平均浓度限值
C. 日平均浓度限值的二倍
D. 日平均浓度限值的三倍

折旧对投资决策产生影响,实际是所得税存在引起的。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
