
You are keeping the required garbage disposal records. The amount of garbage disposed must

A. cubic meters
B. both cubic meters and cubic feet
C. both kilos and pounds
D. barrels of 55 gallon capacity


Which statement is TRUE concerning the ventilation of engine and fuel tank compartments on

A. There shall be at least 3 ventilator ducts open to the atmosphere
B. At least one exhaust duct shall extend from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilge
C. At least one intake duct shall extend from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilge
D. Only vessels using fuel with a flash point above 110°F need ventilate engine and fuel compartments

The tanker has in operation,except as provided for in Regulation 15(5) and (6) of Annex A of MARPOL 73/78,an oil discharge monitoring and control system and ______ as required.

A. an IGS
B. a scriber
C. a P/V
D. a slop tank arrangement

Providing you are not sailing in the Red Sea or another special area as listed in ANNEX V

A. 3 nm
B. 6 nm
C. 12 nm
D. 25 nm

If Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies to your vessel,you willnot be able to discharge ______

A. plastic
B. metal
C. glass
D. paper
