
The highland zone is an area of high hills and mountains in the______of Britain.

A. north and west
B. north and east
C. south and west
D. south and east


One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners took the oath

A. their immediate lord
B. the king
C. either their immediate lord or king
D. their immediate lord and the king as well

Which of the following countries is NOT a former colony of England?

A. Vietnam
B. Canada
C. Australia
D. India

On Nov. 5th, 1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King______and his ministers

A. Charles I
B. Mary I
C. Henry VII
D. James I

In the history of Great Britain, most people have lived in the______with a milder climate

A. highland zone
B. lowland zone
C. east zone
D. west zone
