1948年10月2日,刘少奇同志在同华北记者团谈话时,故事:巨人安泰是地神之子,他在同对手搏斗时,只要大地母亲那里不断吸取力量,所向无敌;但是,只要他毫无力量。他的对手赫拉克勒斯发现了他的这一特征,把他举到半空中将他扼死。刘少奇借用这一神话故事始终要() A.坚持力量联系实际 B.保持党的方针政策的正确 C.保持对敌人的高度警惕 D.保持同人民群众的血肉联系
A. 劳动报酬在初次分配中比重提高
B. 再分配更加注重公平
C. 初次分配注重效率
D. 各种生产要素参与分配
According to the passage, people believe that a females reproductive strategy is influenced by__________
A. an evolutionary driving force
B. a conflict of interests
C. ecological factors
D. the quality of the offspring
How many strokes may be reduced in a year if most of stroke patients can be treated in the way as the article recommends?
A. 5, 000, 000.
B. 500, 000.
C. 50, 000, 000.
D. 15, 000, 000.
What happened in
A. The restaurants began to serve smaller portions.
B. Health experts advised people to eat less.
C. Many Americans tried to get slim.
D. The American waistline started to expand.
Taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce__________less risk of secondary strokes than taking only one such drug.
A. three quarters
B. nearly tour tenths
C. one fifth
D. about one fourteenth