Examinethefollowingcommandsandtheiroutput: SQL>SELECTename,salFROMempWHEREename='JAMES';ENAMESALJAMES1050 QL>UPDATEempSETsal=sal+sal*1.2WHEREename='JAMES'; 1rowupdated. SQL>SELECTename,salFROMempWHEREename='JAMES';ENAMESALJAMES2310 ViewtheexhibitandexaminetheFlashbackVersionQuerythatwasexecutedaftertheprecedingcommands. Whatcouldbethepossiblecauseforthequerynotdisplayinganyrow?()
A. Flashbackloggingisnotenabledforthedatabase.
B. Thechangesmadetothetablearenotcommitted.
C. Supplementalloggingisnotenabledforthedatabase.
D. ThedatabaseisnotconfiguredinARCHIVELOGmode.
During an internal IT organization planning session, it is decided that a new cluster node would Enhance the performance of a distributed corporate application. Planning details have been assigned to the administrator. System outages are limited to one weekend per month; therefore, availability will be a key issue in the planning process. How much cluster downtime will need to be allocated for adding a new node?()
A. None,everything can be done with the cluster active.
B. Minimal downtime will be required to import the volume groups.
C. Several hours are required for testing before final synchronization.
D. Minimal downtime will be required to connect and test the serial network.
Company.com performs a cluster verification on a regular basis. Cluster verification is successfulbut the cluster sometimes fails to start the applications during a fallover. Investigation of the issue has revealed that the non-shared component of the application configuration information is not being kept up to date on the secondary nodes. What can be used to help resolve this issue?()
A pre-event
B. Error notification
C. Application monitoring
D. Custom verification methods
During the pre-installation planning of a customer’s recently purchased IBM System Storage DS8700 the port configuration, cabling, and disk layout were discussed. What other topic should be discussed in this solution review()
A. LPAR capacity planning
B. logical volume configuration
C. data migration process
D. audit hosts for HBA worldwide port names
A customer has an existing IBM System Storage DS8700 2-way model with 8 mega packs of 300 GB disks and 16 fibre ports. How many additional fibre ports and mega packs can be installed in the base frame()
A. 16fibre ports and 0 mega packs
B. 4fibre ports and 8 mega packs
C. 8fibre ports and 4 mega packs
D. 12fibre ports and 0 mega packs