A. 急性治疗期应维持在0.6-1.2mmol/L,维持治疗期为0.4-0.8mmol/L
B. 急性治疗期应维持在0.8-1.4mmol/L,维持治疗期为0.8-1.0mmol/L
C. 急性治疗期应维持在0.4-0.8mmol/L,维持治疗期为0.6-1.2mmol/L
D. 急性治疗期应维持在0.4-0.6mmol/L,维持治疗期为0.1-0.2mmol/L
A. 苯二氮卓类药物
B. 碳酸锂
C. 丙戊酸钠
D. 喹硫平
Darrow tried to put me at ease, saying that he had some clever and unexpected tactics and he would surprise Malone in the trial.
A. 对
B. 错
I did not expect that my case would grow into one of the most famous trials in the U.S. history.
A. 对
B. 错