
What muscles are located between the ribs?

A. interflexor muscles
B. interstriated muscles
C. interbiceps muscles
D. intercostals muscles


The ease with which one can expand the lungs and thorax is called­_________

A. communicability
B. complement
C. complaints
D. compliance

_________ causes an increase in the oxygen level and a decrease in the carbon dioxide level of the blood, a condition called hypocapnia(低碳酸血症).

A. hypertrophy
B. Hypoventilation
C. Hyperventilation
D. hypothalamus

_________is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus(芽孢菌属的) Mycobacterium_________ (结核分枝杆菌).

A. Tuberculosis,tuberculosis
B. Tuberculoma,tuberculosis
C. Tuberculomucin, tuberculosis
D. Tuberculopneumoconiosis, tuberculosis

Respiration is centrally regulated by the

A. cerebral cortex
B. diencephalon
C. brain stem
D. cerebellum
